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Does your kid struggle with big feelings?

Naomi has been attending Kids Yoga for a while, and when we had a meltdown at the zoo a couple weeks ago, we pulled out some of our breathing skills we practiced with Katy and were able to calm our bodies! So amazing to see!


-- Ann R.

Do you remember?
...the most recent time your child ran into some big feelings? I bet you do, vividly. 
Now, imagine how it might have gone differently if your child was able to take some deep breaths and used his/her words to tell you what’s going on.

Fewer meltdowns, fewer fights, and fewer moments when you and your kid don’t feel very connected…that’s the dream, right?

As parents, we want to teach our kids as much as we can about the world, including how to manage emotions and build resilience, and often that can be a challenging process. Kids Yoga is a tool to help you both do this!



Hi, I'm Katy!

Mom of twin 5-year olds who are active and opinionated! I love helping other moms and kids learn the benefits of yoga in connecting their bodies and their minds/feelings.


I have seen how calming breath techniques help my kids manage their big emotions and how movement can reset the day’s mood.  I want to teach other kids and parents how yoga can help your everyday lives feel more peaceful and give you confidence with tools to use at home.


Kids Yoga helps kids to integrate their bodies and their brains so they can manage big feelings and move confidently.

Kids Yoga teaches various breathing techniques to help kids calm themselves and give parents tools to use at home, plus teaches kids coordinated and experimental movement and challenges them to try new things.

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But what really matters is this...

Your child will practice connecting their bodies with their feelings as they learn ways to calm themselves and move with confidence.


  • Kids generally ages 2-5, but often younger and older will enjoy too!

  • Kids who have big emotions

  • Kids who like to pretend

  • Kids who like to move their bodies


  • Older teens or adults; welcome in the class with the kid attending, but please know the yoga practice is geared for kids and won’t be a big workout for the adults :)

  • Babies – they are welcome but may not gain as much from it. If you choose to enroll them, you’ll want to move their bodies and help point out what they are seeing the teacher and other kids do so they get as much benefit as possible :)


"We look forward to yoga every week! Katy is so engaging and my 2 and 4 year old love it! We sing songs and move around pretending to be animals. My toddlers love to come home and show their dad what they learned and end up practicing throughout the week!"


"My boys have really enjoyed taking yoga with Miss Katy! They love moving, singing along, and learning new and fun breathing techniques to calm their bodies! Katy is patient, kind, and passionate about teaching yoga! I highly recommend it!"


"Toddler Yoga with Katy has been a great introduction to yoga for my 3-year-old son Sam. Katy makes yoga accessible and exciting for little ones with easy instructions, fun props, and silly songs. I would highly recommend her class!"


Pricing and Schedule

Join us for a 4-week series in February, either on Thursdays at Cheeky Monkeys Casa Linda or on Fridays at Down to Play, starting February 6 and 7! Classes will be held from 9:30-10am, and pricing includes one hour of play after each yoga class.


Find us also monthly at Lochwood Library from 10:30-11am: February 10, March 3, April 7, and May 5.


Series pricing is $120 for the full series and $35 for single classes. Sibling discounts are available; please email to book. Library classes are free. 


Does my child (or do I) need to know anything about yoga?

Nope! Everything you or your child will need to participate in the class will be taught during the class. As kids take more classes, they will remember more poses on their own, but I instruct each class so that everyone can learn.

What do we need to bring or wear?

You can wear any clothes and shoes that are comfortable. No need for a mat, as we’ll move around in the room. You may bring water or snacks, but please keep them to the side of the class.

Does a parent get/need to participate?

Caregivers are welcome to join in the class or watch from side. Under age 2.5 most likely will need a caregiver to help them participate. You may choose whether or not to participate in the poses during the class.

How long are Kids Yoga classes?

Classes are about 25-30 minutes.

Where will we meet? 

Classes will be held at Cheeky Monkeys and Down to Play in Dallas, Texas. 

If I missed the first class(es), can I still join the rest of the series? 

Yes! As long as the class is not full, please still join! Message us for pricing and any available pro-rating.

Do you offer weekend or evening classes? 

Currently, Kids Yoga is offered during the week, but I occasionally offer it on the weekends, so please join my email list to be informed as soon as one is scheduled! Please also reach out if you’d like to schedule a private Kids Yoga event, which can be scheduled to meet your preferred days/times or for a special occasion.

Do you offer birthday parties or private events? 

Yes! Parties/events can be tailored for any age group. Please reach out to discuss details.

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When your kids learn yoga, they learn calming breath practices and how to connect their emotions with their bodies. We do animal poses and sounds, standing and moving poses, songs to practice poses, and use weekly themes and props to incorporate play. Kids Yoga is great for ages 2-5, and younger and older are welcome! AND, you’ll gain tools as a parent to help your kids manage big feelings.

Pricing and Schedule

Join us for a 4-week series in February, either on Thursdays at Cheeky Monkeys Casa Linda or on Fridays at Down to Play, starting February 6 and 7! Classes will be held from 9:30-10am, and pricing includes one hour of play after each yoga class.


Find us also monthly at Lochwood Library from 10:30-11am: February 10, March 3, April 7, and May 5.


Series pricing is $120 for the full series and $35 for single classes. Sibling discounts are available; please email to book. Library classes are free. 

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